
Pattaya to Phi Phi Triathlon

Open triathlon event for every interested marathoners

What was the activity?
Pattaya to Phi Phi triathlon was a sport event organized by the Physical Education department of the Regent's School Pattaya by challenging every student, parents, staffs, or anyone who was interested by either walking, running, skating, biking, or swimming.
The event started from 4.00 PM and went on until roughly 8 PM that night and large numbers of participants did put support and attend the event. The total distance at the end of the event exceeded the distance from Pattaya to Koh Phi Phi which was a great success and also a trophy was given to the team who made the longest distance.

The participants!

What did we do?
We did not come across any hardship during the event but there were some minor points that quite bothered me when I saw some students did not participate as dedicatedly as the others did but beside that I appreciate the spirits of everyone who gave out everything they got to just to run around the oval nonstop, I could sense the perseverance of hundreds of students and teachers everywhere and no matter how long the distance in total was , we all still managed to accomplish our goal and even though all of us did not get any trophy but we all did received one most important gift, a participation trophy.

Jeff and Harut on the rub. :D

What have I gained?
I did not actually take a serious part in the event but I did observe some very important point of the event. I realized that there was a wide range of people from young pupils to senior parents who participated for this charity event. I felt touched by how much they were willing to participate without expecting anything back. It's amazing what people do to others sometimes.

The girls in tutus :)

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