
Summer Concert 2010

Summer Concert held at Globe, Regent's School Pattaya

What was the activity ?
Sumer concert is an annual musical and orchestral concert held at Regent's School of Pattaya. The whole performance consists of numerous pieces of greatest songs of all time and every student has devoted themselves to each rehearsal and lessons.

Jazz band performance.

What did I do?
I started to pick up my music skills again once the second term started because of 3 reasons. Firstly because I needed to get creativity hours for CAS, secondly because the part I used to play during the time when I was in Thai school needed extra players, and lastly and probably the most important, I wanted to be known as someone who had got some musical skills and this would be the great chance to start and I started joining the orchestra band ever since.
But to be honest, deep down inside I truly wanted to be a great musician but unfortunately I had not motivation when I was a kid and just started learning piano. After 8 empty years of motivation, I quit but I had always known this could have been the path to what I would end up doing in the future and starting off again with french horn was not quite a bad idea.

Me playing my mellophone during brass band performance. :)

What have I gained?
I learnt how to play french horn before when I was in Thai school but picking up again after a couple of years without it was kind of a challenge for me so I continued to play french horn in the school orchestra band in the Regent's School of Pattaya. Firstly I inly wanted to pick up my music skills in general so I could go back to study piano again but after a short while of french horn session with the brass section members, I found myself enjoying orchestra band a lot more than Ithought so I decided to take extra french horn class with one of the music teacher to follow my dream of becoming a great musician.
As strong as my motivation may sound, there were also some obstacles on the way. Time did not give me any chance to make immediate decision and before I knew another year of IB had gone and here came the last year of my high school so I saw this as the last opportunity to take away as much as I possibly could.
My first performance on the stage was the Summer concert 2010 where I had gotten my first chance to play french horn in public. After the concert, I quickly realized how much I had been enjoying music and how much it had made my life more lively and so I had made up my mind that I would have to master on instrument in this lifetime.
Once you have received motivation to what you truly want to do , it is hard to let it go without achieving it to a certain level. I think I could say that to my case. If I had not gotten myself to join orchestra band at the beginning , I never would have been so willing to carry on my musical skills.

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